New Year…New Kid in Town

“Hmmmmmm….” I thought to myself.
(Not literally, but you get the idea.)
I now write a lot, which was always the dream. I write for theONswitch clients (of course), HuffPost,,, and for my own three sites — Bleisure Living®, sheBOOM, Embrace the Machine®, and this one, as well as keeping all my social platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) as fresh as narcissistic daisies. I’m a little bit Perry White…a little bit Lois Lane. And, of course, I aspire to be Wonder Woman.
So, how do I keep all this stuff going. Taking a page from old-school journalism, I’m going to create a unique “beat” for those sites that have been somewhat random and I’m going to FOCUS.
Rebooting & Relocating
This is the second time in less than two years that I’ve moved to a totally new place — a place where I had virtually no friends…no business connections…and no idea where I was driving a lot of the time. I officially moved to Arizona on December 7th and am officially cutting the ribbon on my Silicon Desert Highway office on January 22nd (the beginning of the Age of Aquarius).
The last time I did something so radical was when I was 18 and flew alone from New York to Michigan to start college. But universities have a built-in social network — dorm mates, classmates, and party mates. Flying into an all-new community at the age of 61 is whole different scene.
Over the next year you can follow me on my business adventures and learn how to deal with being the “new kid” in any situation. Even if you don’t move anywhere, you’ll learn some great tips for meeting new business contacts, making new friends, and motivating yourself to get off your ass and out into the world at any age.
So, move over just a little bit all you people at the Arizona “cafeteria table.” A new kid is in town.
Coming Next: The Weird Detour Through Minneapolis
P.S. Why the Bad Girl? I often get asked about the name of this blog. Especially in this era, that title could be misinterpreted. It’s all about breaking rules in order to grow in business. Women of my age were trained to be “people pleasers” and “rule followers.” I’m done with all that. You can be respectful of history and of others and still be a tad anarchistic and professionally disobedient.
Nancy, I look forward to following your adaptation journey. You and I first met at a networking event in Westchester County, NY. While my recent personal journey involved more caregiving than writing and performing, I plan to be putting my toe back into the creative, entrepreneurial waters in a new state with a new partner. I am excited to embrace this change, and pleased to have your guidance as a template of sorts.
[…] returning this week to my ruminations about the 2018 “re-boot” and my move cross-country. I often get asked what brought me to the Southwest. It ultimately […]
[…] purpose of this serial blog (for those of you who are new readers) is to share my roadmap for breaking into a new geography or otherwise rebooting your life and business. Thanks for joining […]
[…] Kindness has been oh-so-important as I’ve settled in to my new home in Arizona. Despite all my social media and blog bravado (blogvado?) and photos of sunrises and exotic cacti and Southwestern salads, moving to an all-new place is lonely and scary at times. I’ve now written 10+ “chapters” in the saga of my relocation and rebooting. […]
[…] I tell people I’m new to Arizona, the first thing they usually ask is, “Have you been here over the summer […]
[…] chronicling my “new kid” experiences to motivate those of you who may be stuck in your own work and/or lives — whether […]
[…] can be super-depressing. Not all social media is Facebook and Instagram! Following my move to Arizona, I began using MeetUp to find people to hike with — lest I be attacked by a javalina. I […]
[…] if I’m going to adapt to my new life in Arizona and enjoy the mountains and palm trees and booming tech economy for at least five decades, I will […]
[…] did something in December of 2017 that many describe as “bold.” I moved to Arizona, where I knew no […]
[…] collection of “communities” that I’ve gathered in my (virtual) chest since my move to Arizona about a year […]