Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: summer

Route 66 Installment #36: Sloth, Rumination, and Strategic Planning

Reading Time: 4 minutes August can be a pivotal month. People who live in colder climates or who have kids in school are squeezing in those last few days of summer before they return to “normal” routines (although remote work and online education have changed that somewhat). A few years back (2017 to be exact), during a particularly strange […]


Route 66 Installment #33: August = Unplugging (and Elevating)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Can the summer really be almost over? I’m deluged with back-to-school shopping pop-ups and retailers have even begun to put out Halloween decorations. But NOW is the time to fully embrace those last lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Unplug from your devices (as best you can). Take yourself to a higher level (literally and/or […]