A former big-brand executive (Citibank, MasterCard, Reed Exhibitions) and late-life entrepreneur (CEO of theONswitch marketing), confidently straddles the digital divide.
Reading Time: 2minutesNew month…new theme. But why an insect? In the past, our June content has either focused on graduation season or on weddings (literal and metaphorical). But education is now a year-round (and online) process and the fall is now the most popular wedding season. So, as I was wandering around the web, looking for a […]
Reading Time: 2minutesI ended 2021 with the “Wild and Weird Adventures of Scooter Girl.” A “lemonade from lemons” kinda woman, I turned an unfortunate accident into an 8-installment series about living temporarily disabled and learning from that experience. I transformed it into a LinkedIn newsletter entitled “Gratitude and Resilience.” It generated 2,500 subscribers. Go figure! But now […]