Route 66 installment #1: my mini-saga begins…

I ended 2021 with the “Wild and Weird Adventures of Scooter Girl.”
A “lemonade from lemons” kinda woman, I turned an unfortunate accident into an 8-installment series about living temporarily disabled and learning from that experience.
I transformed it into a LinkedIn newsletter entitled “Gratitude and Resilience.” It generated 2,500 subscribers. Go figure!
But now I’m shifting my focus for 2022 into a new kind of adventure.
2022 is an interesting pin on the map that is my circuitous life and career.
- I’m turning 66 in February.
- I’ve been working since I was 22.
- That means I’ve spent 44 years of my adult life doing things for other people.
- I plan to live to 99 (at least).
But I have no map to follow.
I’m a member of that first generation of women who had economic independence, big careers AND family, longevity, and the technology innovations that enable us to work from anywhere, anytime.
No one laid out the path for what we’re supposed to do once the kids are grown, the marriage and corporate career are over, and we’ve saved just enough money to do stuff other than play pickleball and eat early bird dinner specials.
So, I plan to be that cartographer and create my own “route 66” and chronicle my professional and personal journeys. I own the trademark for the term Silver Hair Playbook™, which is spot-on for this guide (although my hair is still brown, except for the chemically-enhanced blonde parts).
Think of it asĀ Nomadland or Eat Pray Love with better clothes, more snark and humor, and lots of technology to guide me along the way.
It’ll be about risk-taking, midlife adventures, how to age while remaining relevant and “un-geezer-like,” and staying active and employed while getting older as a woman.
Please follow along!
P.S. I “celebrated January 1st by creating a micro vision board for January (shown below…more on that to come!), going for a long power walk, filling a giant garbage bag with random 2021 “stuff,” (as part of my de-cluttering goal), baking some healthy breakfast treats and visiting a book store (as in a real brick-and-mortar building).
By the way, check out this great program to help keep book stores in business!