A former big-brand executive (Citibank, MasterCard, Reed Exhibitions) and late-life entrepreneur (CEO of theONswitch marketing), confidently straddles the digital divide.
Reading Time: 3minutes “How can I help you?” Those are the five most important words in business. In the 12 years since I founded theONswitch I’ve discovered that in work, as in life, one encounters people who are always willing to invest their time, their perspective, and their wisdom. And others are always asking, “What’s in it for me?” […]
Reading Time: < 1minute Content. It was one of 2015’s marketing buzzwords. Now that everyone has access to the same apps and technology 24/7/365, businesses and brands suddenly realized “Duh…now that I have all this media at my disposal, what am I going to post/write/blog about?” It’s pretty amusing, actually. Everyone was so consumed by the media that they forgot about the […]