Bad Girl, Good Business

You found WHAT? (or why you should be concerned about your Google cred in 2016)

Reading Time: 3 minutesGoogle yourself. But not right this second. Finish reading this post first. And then call or e-mail me. I can help you. I have never spent a penny on search engine optimization (SEO) or search engine marketing (SEM) for my business (theONswitch) and myself (Nancy A. Shenker). And yet we’re pretty easy to find. And, with […]


Crystal Ballsy: what’s in your future?

Reading Time: < 1 minute2016 Trend Predictions…Gotta Love ‘Em! They are among my most favorite content to read this time of year, along with the “Top 10 Best of 2015” lists. This one just crossed my screen. What I liked most about it is that I could listen to it while I worked (sort of like the radio…remember that?) […]