Bad Girl, Good Business

Tradition and Timelessness: Xmas Eve Musings

Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday is Throwback Thursday. And tonight is also Xmas eve 2015. It’s a time of traditions, of family, and (hopefully) of unplugging (which I’ll do as soon as I finish this blog post). Now, what’s the story behind the photo? It’s one of yours truly and her family circa sometime in the 1960s. I assume my Dad (who […]



Reading Time: 3 minutes“How can I help you?” Those are the five most important words in business. In the 12 years since I founded theONswitch I’ve discovered that in work, as in life, one encounters people who are always willing to invest their time, their perspective, and their wisdom. And others are always asking, “What’s in it for me?” […]