Bad Girl, Good Business

Eat a Peach (or Not): The Newest App

Reading Time: < 1 minute Lots of media buzz this week about Peach Earlier this week, I wrote about apps that make ones life better. Peach just makes me sadder. Why? The New York Times talks about “ambient intimacy” and the ability to boop, blow a kiss, hiss, or shout at a friend.  You can draw a picture, send a selfie, or […]


You found WHAT? (or why you should be concerned about your Google cred in 2016)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Google yourself. But not right this second. Finish reading this post first. And then call or e-mail me. I can help you. I have never spent a penny on search engine optimization (SEO) or search engine marketing (SEM) for my business (theONswitch) and myself (Nancy A. Shenker). And yet we’re pretty easy to find. And, with […]