Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: vacation

That Disney Magic

Reading Time: 3 minutesPerhaps I’ve been oblivious. Or, just a die-hard New Yorker who believes that the only great entertainment is in my own backyard. Or, maybe it’s because my daughters are older. (Even when they were younger, they sort of knew that Disney Princesses weren’t real people.) In any event, I’ve been living in a Disney-free zone for […]


The Timeless Business of Fun (Because the World is Serious Enough)

Reading Time: 2 minutesDo people still have fun? Of course they do! Having just wrapped-up our series on Millennials and Generation Z, we’re moving on to a topic that’s seriously fun…the business of play and how the definition of leisure has changed (or hasn’t) over the past 60 years. Each day in August (which is a month often filled with […]