Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: unplugging

Tradition and Timelessness: Xmas Eve Musings

Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday is Throwback Thursday. And tonight is also Xmas eve 2015. It’s a time of traditions, of family, and (hopefully) of unplugging (which I’ll do as soon as I finish this blog post). Now, what’s the story behind the photo? It’s one of yours truly and her family circa sometime in the 1960s. I assume my Dad (who […]


Down the Drain…My Year-End Ephiphany

Reading Time: < 1 minuteBuh-bye. Just like that, on the day before Thanksgiving, all my contacts vanished from my smartphone. (It may be smart, but apparently it has a limited memory, as it keeps telling me — even after I deleted thousands of messages and pictures.) I remained strangely calm. I visited two AT&T stores and spent about an […]