A former big-brand executive (Citibank, MasterCard, Reed Exhibitions) and late-life entrepreneur (CEO of theONswitch marketing), confidently straddles the digital divide.
Reading Time: 2minutesAnger in the workplace… It’s ugly and destructive. In fact, unbridled rage anywhere sucks. I met-up with a former colleague last week and we chatted about bully bosses and public abuse of employees. I confess. I have been guilty of that crime myself over the years. Anxiety, frustration, jealousy, deadlines and financial pressures, toxic behaviors among colleagues, […]
Reading Time: 2minutesNo…not those kinds of hot girls. I’m referring to entrepreneurial, passionate, innovative, smart, and professional women who are changing the business world. In fact, they aren’t girls at all. They are all grown-up, savvy, and self-confident. The theme for August is “heat.” Temps are soaring here in New York, which is my inspiration. Like wildfires, […]