Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: stress

Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Here’s How

Reading Time: 2 minutes No one likes to be dumped (or do the dumping)* Dealing with major loss — in life and business — can result in grief which, in turn, results in stress. It comes with all kinds of nasty symptoms and can even weaken your immune system. (So, keep away from this site if reading about symptoms contributes […]


Your Cheatin’ Heart: Truth Be Told…

Reading Time: 2 minutes Thanks for the title inspiration, Hank!  (If you read the entire post, you can sing along.) As we continue with our relationship posts for “marriage month,” I’ve been ruminating on ethics and honesty in the workplace. A couple of times over the past few weeks, people who I thought I could trust flat-out lied to me. […]