Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: resolutions

The 100 Years Club Installment #49: Penultimate

Reading Time: 3 minutes That’s my word of the week — PENULTIMATE. It’s a fancy-schmancy way of saying “second to last.” And it’s especially fitting because this is my penultimate post of 2023. We’re entering that frenetic pre-Xmas week (and penultimate week of the year) when people are: Rushing around, buying last-minute gifts Attending last-minute events (like this one […]


Why you should keep your resolutions to yourself (and other end-of-year wit and wisdom)

Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve lived through almost six decades of New Year’s eves. Some things haven’t changed. Others have evolved along with the tastes and trends of the times. To celebrate the end of 2015 and the start of 2016, here are 15 interesting, useful, and random tidbits about the final day/night of the year. Stop telling people your […]