A former big-brand executive (Citibank, MasterCard, Reed Exhibitions) and late-life entrepreneur (CEO of theONswitch marketing), confidently straddles the digital divide.
Reading Time: 2minutesSo, here we are at Installment #50 of “The 100 Years Club.” Although I started this series when I turned 66, I re-named it from Route 66 to a title that will last me for at least three more decades. In February (about 50 days from now), I turn 68. I’m more creative, focused, calm, […]
Reading Time: 3minutesThat’s my word of the week — PENULTIMATE. It’s a fancy-schmancy way of saying “second to last.” And it’s especially fitting because this is my penultimate post of 2023. We’re entering that frenetic pre-Xmas week (and penultimate week of the year) when people are: Rushing around, buying last-minute gifts Attending last-minute events (like this one […]