Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: problem-solving

Travel, problems, time, and GRIT

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’m back from a 7-day journey (literal and metaphorical). It involved speaking at two conferences and touring two trade show floors, passing through seven cities (and over others), dealing with an airline fail that almost resulting in my missing a speaking gig, running my business remotely (including a major new media announcement for Booker), participating […]


Fizzled Out

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA couple of people actually noticed that I haven’t written for six days. That makes me happy. I’m not pleased that I haven’t written, but I’m delighted I was missed. We all have those weeks when work volume and  the noise in the world around us — business, family, travel, deadlines, technology — simply take their toll. And no […]