Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: innovation

Re-engineer your brain and body (like Robocop, but with less violence)

Reading Time: 2 minutesI plan to live to be 120. It’s not totally unrealistic. The average life expectancy for women is 81. I’ve always been a bit of an over-achiever and my mother is turning 90. (See below for more about women who lived to over 100.) I’m eating clean and working-out and worrying about my bone density.  And […]


Eat a Peach (or Not): The Newest App

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLots of media buzz this week about Peach Earlier this week, I wrote about apps that make ones life better. Peach just makes me sadder. Why? The New York Times talks about “ambient intimacy” and the ability to boop, blow a kiss, hiss, or shout at a friend.  You can draw a picture, send a selfie, or […]