Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: health and wellness

Re-engineer your brain and body (like Robocop, but with less violence)

Reading Time: 2 minutes I plan to live to be 120. It’s not totally unrealistic. The average life expectancy for women is 81. I’ve always been a bit of an over-achiever and my mother is turning 90. (See below for more about women who lived to over 100.) I’m eating clean and working-out and worrying about my bone density.  And […]


Feed Your Head!

Reading Time: 2 minutes Nourishment takes many forms. Earlier this month I wrote about the Fancy Food Show, the place where people sample a wide variety and combination of treats and flavors. Just as we fuel our bodies with new and unique treats, we need to fill up our minds with unfamiliar ideas, skills, and dreams. But, like Cheese […]