Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: freedom

The 100 Years Club Installment #25: Independence Days

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe theme for July and August is “Super Summer” “Hot Girl Summer” was the 2019 trend, and, like many pop-culture-fueled memes, it’s over. But every summer has the potential to be super — especially at this stage of my life. Although summer is never without its stresses, the sun, freedom, and social time can all […]


Binging and Purging

Reading Time: 2 minutesNo, not THAT kind!  I’m not talking about food. I’m not talking about gluttony or eating disorders. I’m talking about those cathartic “binges” that many of us creative types are prone to. This Independence Day (with Hurricane Arthur lurking around and freaking everyone out) I found myself with absolutely no plans, so I indulged in an […]