Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: content marketing

GRATITUDE #1: Elle Schwarz (The Grateful 40)

Reading Time: < 1 minuteYesterday, I launched my GRATEFUL 40. I’m going to pay tribute to at least 40 people and things that were bright lights amidst the chaos and dreariness of 2020. What better way to kick it off than to thank the oh-so-talented designer who helped me create the graphics for the 40 days and whose work […]


My COVIDiary: Installment 1

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat is your new normal? This moment in business and life is unlike anything we’ve ever had to face. Yes…I’ve lived and worked through a recession and personal and professional disruptions. But during those times I was able to conduct meetings, attend business-building events, and speak at large conferences and gatherings. The pandemic has changed […]