Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: community

Now you see it…now you don’t! Snapchat and other things that vanish

Reading Time: 2 minutes“Where have you been?” I was just asked.  I’m thrilled that some of you have actually been missing my posts over the past few days. My last one was my Listicle — a summary of the first quarter and my goals for the second quarter. And then…poof…I was gone. I’m normally pretty prolific on social media, but […]


Why Twitter Chat on Friday on April 1st? (No Foolin’!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes“I don’t get it!” I often hear when I speak to professionals about Twitter Boomers often have a tough time wrapping their heads — and fingers — around Twitter, which is a steady stream of 140 character messages with lots of hashtags (#) and, more recently, pictures and video (including live video via Periscope). I […]