Bad Girl, Good Business

The Gang’s All Here…

Reading Time: 2 minutesI’m  not talking about hoodlums (although I have met some unsavory types on the road). I’m referring to “communities” or “tribes” (as Seth Godin calls them) or “associations.” These are the business gangs that gather across the country for the purposes of education, entertainment, schmoozing with other like-minded people, and (sometimes) getting stupid drunk in […]


Hey chicks (and guys)! Are your eggs all in one basket?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLoyalty versus diversity… It’s a tricky thing in business and in life. On the one hand, focusing on one industry, one client, or one single objective can be terrific. Commitment and a single purpose can make life simpler. However, weird and unexpected stuff can happen overnight. When I worked in the corporate world, I saw […]