Bad Girl, Good Business

Hot Under the Collar

Reading Time: 2 minutesAnger in the workplace… It’s ugly and destructive. In fact, unbridled rage anywhere sucks. I met-up with a former colleague last week and we chatted about bully bosses and public abuse of employees. I confess. I have been guilty of that crime myself over the years. Anxiety, frustration, jealousy, deadlines and financial pressures, toxic behaviors among colleagues, […]


Hot Spots

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhat are YOU looking at? Since our August theme is heat, I began searching for hot things that are business-related. First, I babbled about self-assured women. Now I’m moving on to something more scientific — heatmaps. For example, we’re all starting to see those Choropleth maps pop up all over social media sites. Simply put, people just […]