Bad Girl, Good Business

April Was the Cruelest Month

Reading Time: 3 minutes Whoa! That’s a pretty heavy title for a post. Never a huge T.S. Eliot fan, I even had to Google what that line means. In short, memories are triggered by springtime, and despair abounds as the numbness of winter melts. Oy! Eliot was clearly not a happy dude. You probably don’t want to get depressed […]


The 50 Things I Did in 180 (+1) Days

Reading Time: 3 minutes The first half of 2017 is over. What the hell did I do? I tend to be very hard on myself, focusing on what I didn’t do (or what I could have done better) rather than on what I DID do. So, in honor of Independence Day weekend, I will officially free myself from self-doubt […]