Bad Girl, Good Business

Hey chicks (and guys)! Are your eggs all in one basket?

Reading Time: < 1 minuteLoyalty versus diversity… It’s a tricky thing in business and in life. On the one hand, focusing on one industry, one client, or one single objective can be terrific. Commitment and a single purpose can make life simpler. However, weird and unexpected stuff can happen overnight. When I worked in the corporate world, I saw […]


Are you Fit? Do Things Fit? How Do You Fit In?

Reading Time: 2 minutesOr, are you simply fit to be tied? The word “fit” is just so cool. It’s only three letters but it’s pretty damned versatile. My January theme for business musings is always “survival of the fittest,” but that simple phase has taken on new meaning since it was coined in 1864. According to Wikipedia (the […]