Bad Girl, Good Business

Out of Fashion

Reading Time: 3 minutes New York Fashion Week is happening… (or, not happening, according to the New York Post, which claims that the style has been sucked out of this annual event. The fashion industry is HUGE! In the U.S. alone, people spend $250,000,000,000 on fashion. And annual global fashion industry revenue is $1,200,000,000,000. (Find more stats at the link below.) […]


120 things I learned in 60 years

Reading Time: 2 minutes This is a different kind of post. Today is my 60th birthday. When people say, “You don’t look 60!” I simply reply, “This is now what 60 looks like.” I admit that I have some good genes. I get asked, “What’s your secret?” It’s not a secret. In fact, I’m putting it out there on a variety […]