The 100 Years Club Installment #27: I’m Never Doing THAT Again!

One key benefit of aging is that we have thousands (if not millions) of regrets that are now teachable moments.
That’s not to say that I don’t make the same mistakes twice (or sometimes even thrice), but when I repeat them, I usually put a new spin on them.
This summer — the summer of freedom — I am finally feeling wise. Or, I have so many bruises on my body and brain that I don’t have room for more.
I’ve looked back on some of my most common errors, intending to see the warning signs much earlier and walk (or even run) away when they present themselves.
So, here are the top ten:
- Thinking with my heart instead of my brain or wallet.
- Procrastinating when I really don’t want to do something (even though it’s good for me in the long run).
- Allowing too many “takers,” fiber, and narcs (as in narcissists, not drug cops) into my circle and putting up with their behavior for too long.
- Related to #3, making excuses for bad behavior rather than (kindly and honestly) calling it out immediately.
- Going to places (or staying there) when they clearly aren’t my vibe. (I’ve actually gotten quite adept at the speedy and polite exit.)
- Balancing work and play (and making ample time for the latter). I’m actually getting really good at this one.
- Digging in rather than considering uncomfortable new ideas.
- Taking too long to heal from minor hurts.
- Thinking too much about the past rather than the future.
- Chasing shiny objects rather than focusing on major goals.
These things have all, at one point or another, led to unhappiness, financial woes, and other aggravations — small and large.
I don’t dwell on them. I simply acknowledge them, resolve to do better, and care much less when I mess up.
When I speak to other business owners and people of all ages, I’m now really comfortable sharing my metaphorical warts and scars with others. I talk openly about mistakes, misjudgments, and bad calls.
Sometimes people listen, and sometimes, they simply need to make their own gaffes (which is, after all, how we learn).
The really good news is that the list should shrink for me over the next 30+ years. And the best news is that I no longer beat myself up for having a list. I simply published it!
And THAT is not a mistake!