The 100 Years Club Installment #22: When I Was “Ordered” to Balance

Just when I think I have my life in order, the “universe” throws stuff my way.
Like when I broke my ankle in two places and had to completely re-tool my life.
The latest incident was not quite as extreme or debilitating, but the day after a highly-successful Table for Six event (after a brief but enjoyable trip to Boston) and two ab-crushing Elements classes, I was hit hard by a low-grade fever, cough, fatigue, and a never-ending headache.
I rarely get sick, and I’m a very impatient patient. To quote one of my fave films,
“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition,” although this wasn’t nearly as dramatic or violent. It crept upĀ on me slowly.
But, just like the broken bones, my flu/cold/whatever forced me to unplug, focus on essential work and amuse myself from the comfort of my bed/chaise/chair. I:
- Did manage to go for a long slow walk one day and bought a great trash novel — as in a real book with pages — to devour. Thankfully, a bookstore still exists here, and the manager even gave me recommendations. Follow me on Goodreads!
- Completed a third of the online coaching training I committed to take this year.
- Gave myself permission to just “be,” realizing that even my unplugging is still a lot.
I’m not a huge believer in “woo-woo,” but I do trust that sometimes the universe (or whatever it is) throws us curveballs because we need to learn how to deal with them.
As I evaluate the next 33 years of my life, I often contemplate what my PRETIREMENT™ will look like. After all, I love my work, but it’s been a significant part of my life since 1977.
Getting smacked flat out on my ass for five days has accelerated my thinking about my own balance between work and play…travel and inertia…solitude and family/friends…and a host of other things (which I’ll cover in my next blog).
So, although this “sign” didn’t have the magnitude of a lightning bolt or a late-night vision, it definitely prompted me to contemplate how I might spend the rest of 2023, what’s still missing in my life, and how I might go after it.
Most importantly, it reminded me of the importance of good health, mobility, and longevity.
Don’t wait until you get ordered to balance. Start today. You never know if you’ll wake up to a hacking cough tomorrow. Just sayin’….
Like this blog alot! Not that I don’t like all of them.
It’s definitely the time of life. Not sure how I got to 66 but here it is.
Finding time for me is a challenge because like many, we’ve been at the bottom of our “to do” list for a very long time.
This is a great reminder.
Permission “to be”. That’s it. Exactly.