Happy National Superhero Day!

We’ve decided to turn this Marvel “fauxliday” (fictional holiday) into an entire month of insights and celebration.
This is an update to a post I published about five years ago. It just goes to show that superheroes and comic books are truly timeless.
Back in 2016, I had just taught a beta version of my Superhero workshop for a women’s B-to-B marketing group. It went super-well. We talked about our inner strengths and even assumed our superhero poses. We laughed and shared. It got rave reviews.
But then things got weird. The business and life villains found me.
I wasn’t sure where I was heading career-wise. I was in a toxic relationship. I moved across the country (by airplane…I couldn’t really fly yet) to a strange new planet (Arizona). And then, just when I found my cape in my storage unit, the pandemic struck.
ARGH! I ended up in my “Fortress of Solitude” for about a year, struggling to get my powers back.
The “real” Supergirl also had a tough time. Although I’ve read lots of versions of where she came from, this is my favorite tale (from Yahoo Answers):
“When Krypton exploded, she was sent in a rocket (in suspended animation) to find and look after Superman. However, her rocket got caught in a huge chunk of the planet, and she arrived on Earth years after her cousin did. Meanwhile, she was put in suspended animation, so while chronologically born before Kal-El, she is still the age of a teenager. Her arrival is discovered by Batman, who initially doubted that she was really Kryptonian, thinking that it was too much of a coincidence. Eventually, Kara is discovered by her cousin Superman and combat-trained by Wonder Woman and Artemis.”
Wow! That’s some wild journey! (And I have to chuckle that Supergirl’s first mission was a babysitting gig.)
We all have our own real-life versions of that comic book tale. We may think we’re heading out on some great adventure or mission, only to be hit by a planet and re-directed. The Wonder Women we meet can help us find our strength and purpose, but we’re all born with unique inner superpowers.
We have lots of relationships in business — with clients, lenders/funders, team members, colleagues, salespeople, manufacturers, and service providers.
But think about the connections that exist in your head and heart. We also have relationships with money and technology (some of them dating back to childhood) that impact our decision-making, risk-taking, and creative processes. Our most important relationship is the one we have with our thoughts and talents. Our Kryptonites can sometimes be self-doubt or trusting the wrong people.
Knowing how and when to use our superpowers is also key. Sometimes we try to fly when the situation really required a little x-ray vision (looking inward and outward).
As you move forward in your business ventures, go through this Super Exercise:
- What superpowers (i.e., skills and talents) have you had since childhood that you can channel into building or transforming your business? (For example, I have always been a writer. I’m now able to apply that skill to Content Marketing for a variety of companies). Play to your strengths. You can always team up with other superheroes to fill the gaps. (See #3.) Or train yourself to build up those powers.
- What’s/who’s your Kryptonite? Do you allow criticism or toxic relationships at work to slow you down or derail your efforts? Keep away from poison at all times. And, if you happen to encounter it, run away or throw it far into space.
- Who’s in your justice league? They don’t have to be other superheroes. Superman was able to find out what was going on in the world due to Clark Kent’s job at the Daily Planet. One of my favorite TV shows used to be Heroes, which was all about everyday people (most of whom were tortured souls) who discovered they had incredible complementary powers. (The first few episodes were great, but then the show totally jumped the shark and became a little too cosmic.)
Like comic book heroes, we all have our alter egos. In fact, Supergirl was a media intern. It just goes to show that writers may be the REAL superheroes of the future!
Here are OUR superpowers and avatars. Once you’ve gone through your own process, we can create a caricature for you too!
Our new FREE guide to finding your superpowers appears on April 28th (National Superhero Day). From then until May 28th, we’ll be offering tips to help you rise from your own Fortress of Solitude and save the world (or at least a little piece of it).
And some random super facts (LinkedIn purists: You can stop reading here.)