Spirituality, Savvy & Supergirls: Business Tripping in 2016

Business trips can be mundane…or they can be transformative.
I’m working hard to ensure that most of my work trips are the latter rather than the former.
My latest one was particularly eclectic and eye-opening. I won’t bore you with all the details…just a bulleted summary of the highlights. Then, I’ll offer up a few tips on how to make the most of your own time on the road.
En route to speak at the BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE conference, I took a detour to Houston.
- I visited the Lakewood Church and got to see Joel Osteen in action. I even hung around for the meet-and-greet and got a book signed. (He is much shorter than I anticipated and he has great teeth.) I am fascinated by his ability to draw a huge crowd and to combine faith and commerce without selling-out and becoming sleazy. The service is incredibly well-staged and a band performs for most of it. As a professional speaker (who came from behind the camera to in front of the pulpit), he is a true rock star. I picked up some great tips on how to inspire and entertain a crowd. As a former event planner, I was really impressed by the production. His followers were welcoming and warm and funny. I left feeling stronger and calmer.
- My journey continued with my indoctrination into the Martech world, which has been an ongoing cerebral baptism, beginning with my engagement by Booker to launch a new content community called sheBOOM. I’ve been to NY Tech Day and Collision so far this year and ENGAGE gave me even more insight into the planet of lead gen, content marketing, tech stacks, start-up funding, and millennial trends.
- As for the Supergirl thing…I premiered my new workshop to the Women Leading in Local group at the conference. We assumed our most confident superhero stances and identified and talked about how to deal with our Kryptonite(s). The feedback was super positive.
- Dining at Hillstone restaurants has become one of my travel rituals. They are all about great branding through consistent food quality and customer service. I always feel at home when I visit one of their establishments.
Now, enough about me and my jaunt. Here are seven things that will turn any business trip into an adventure:
- Make a packing list. It will expedite your suitcase-loading and prevent you from bringing too much needless stuff.
- Buy an interesting magazine at the airport…perhaps one you wouldn’t normally read.
- When you get to your destination, make time for one fun and obscure non-work activity.
- Expand your inner circle by connecting with the speakers and attendees at events. Follow them on Twitter or LinkIn with them.
- Use your return trip to set some quasi-lofty goals for the days, weeks, and months ahead. Reflect on what you learned and who you met while you were away. Write a blog post, perhaps.
- Don’t stress about returning to your routine. Make a short list of top priorities for your first day back in the office.
- Plan your next trip!
Wherever your work takes you…fly safely (with or without your cape), get smarter, and enjoy many blessings!
Some business travel tips & tricks:
- Preventing jet lag
- A cool site for women who travel frequently.
- And how real men can pack light.
- More tips for making business travel fun.
- Table for one? Don’t be lonely!