Like Tinder for Business?

I’m a sucker for new apps.
So, I just downloaded something called Shapr, after reading about it somewhere. If LinkedIn and Tinder had a baby, it would be Shapr.
Side note: I don’t love the branding…it sounds like Spanx-like hosiery…I want my business connections to be liberating, not suck in my chubby parts. Their logo is pretty cool. Very Venn-diagram-like. But I digress.
The basic principle is that you enter your interests (both professional and personal) and other business people (of both sexes) magically appear on your phone. You can swipe right or swipe left. And then, if you connect, you still have the ability to check someone out on LinkedIn to make sure that your new business friend isn’t going to hard-sell you insurance or send you inappropriate Instagram pictures. Although I suppose that could still happen. Sometimes one just has to take a leap of faith when it comes to networking and technology.
It’s an interesting concept, for sure. I already connected with a seemingly bright young woman who has research skills and is looking for a mentor. I’m always hiring new talent so we’re going to meet for coffee. Shapr’s tagline is “Your daily dose of inspiring people to meet.” I don’t know that I’ll be swiping daily. But I could always use a little inspiration.