Teach, talk, tweet (and a little therapy too)

I found an essay I wrote as a seven year old. I said I wanted to be a teacher…
or a candy stripper [sic]. This is what I think I really meant. After all, I was only seven. I didn’t want to disrobe in public…I simply wanted to help people.
After getting a degree in Psychology (and English) I was planning to get a joint degree in law and social work, but then I took a weird circuitous path and ended up as a marketer, a banker, a business consultant, and a writer.
Now, finally, I’m getting to be a teacher. I taught several live workshops at conferences this year and I was just invited to participate in two Tweet Chats. I write for several media outlets (print and web) and dispense helpful (I hope) advice about business, social media, and sometimes life at 60. I don’t have to eat in a teacher’s cafeteria, wear sensible shoes, or make sure kids don’t fall off the monkey bars. It’s a pretty sweet gig.
So, what’s the point of this lesson?
- You can ultimately pursue your career passion. It just may not look the way you thought it would.
- You can always learn new skills. I didn’t start using digital media until it fell into the hands of adults in about 2005…and now I get paid to teach it.
- Technology facilitates learning. If you don’t know something, just Google it. We’re living in an era where all knowledge is readily available.
- You can always apply what you learn in school. Although I’m never asked to solve a geometry proof or name the explorers, my Psych degree has helped me on more than one occasion. And I’m a beast at grammar and typing.
- Everyone needs to make time for gym class and prom. Kids and teachers who study and work all the time miss out on lots of things. Don’t forget recess!
Ironically, my older daughter became a “real” teacher! Thankfully, neither of my daughters is a candy stripper.
P.S. Watch this space tomorrow for a recap of the first Tweet Chat #CUWomenLead, sponsored by Cornell University’s ILR School.
- Average teacher salaries (Marketing pays better!)
- Things you can do with a teaching degree
- The proliferation of MOOCs (and what they are)
- How many repetitions are required for long-term retention? The answer is here!