120 things I learned in 60 years

This is a different kind of post.
Today is my 60th birthday. When people say, “You don’t look 60!” I simply reply, “This is now what 60 looks like.”
I admit that I have some good genes. I get asked, “What’s your secret?” It’s not a secret. In fact, I’m putting it out there on a variety of social media. Definitely not a secret. Will never trend like #puppybabymonkey, but hopefully will stick with you longer — and won’t disrupt your REM sleep.
Here are 120 things I learned in 60 years, in alphabetical order. Because I’m a short-form writer, they are all three words or shorter. I am passionate about all of these things. And about making my point in as few words as possible.
I hope to be writing another 120 things when I turn 120. Enjoy…and I hope to see you (but not the puppybabymonkey) around in 2076!
- Admit your mistakes
- Apologize
- Ask “why not?”
- Avoid toxic people
- Avoid toxic situations
- Be a lady
- Be empathetic
- Be fearless
- Be first
- Be honest
- Be in awe
- Be kind
- Be yourself
- Be patient
- Be pithy
- Be wild
- Believe in love
- Believe in something
- Build great memories
- Carry dental floss
- Celebrate holidays
- Celebrate success
- Challenge yourself
- Change your hair
- Check your math
- Choose wisely
- Clean your desk
- Commit
- Compromise
- Cry sometimes
- Dance often
- Diversify
- Dream vividly
- Eat clean
- Embrace change
- Endure pain
- Find peace
- Forgive
- Forgive yourself
- Gamble sometimes
- Give
- Give great gifts
- Give it up
- Give thanks
- Have readable handwriting
- Heal fast
- Hug
- Indulge sometimes
- Inspire
- Just do stuff
- Keep friends close
- Keep secrets
- Keep souvenirs
- Kiss passionately
- Kiss wisely
- Know the facts
- Laugh often
- Lead well
- Learn new things
- Learn to bake
- Learn to code
- Learn to sew
- Let it go
- Lift weights
- Listen to millennials
- Listen to music
- Listen to silence
- Make lists
- Make others laugh
- Moisturize
- Mother well
- Open your heart
- Open your mind
- Own super-high heels
- Party hard
- Pity the haters
- Plan
- Play drums
- Pray
- Respect elders
- Respect Girl Code
- Respect others
- Respect time
- Say hello
- Say no
- Say please
- Say thank you
- Say yes!!!
- Set priorities
- Share
- Show loyalty
- Sleep a lot
- Smell great
- Smile
- Speak up
- Stay relevant
- Stay up late
- Stop apologizing
- Take pictures
- Take vacations
- Talk to strangers
- Tell compelling stories
- Text responsibly
- Throw great parties
- Tip generously
- Tolerate & levitate
- Travel far
- Travel light
- Trust the universe
- Trust your gut
- Unplug
- Use words well
- Visit your doctor
- Volunteer your time
- Wake up early
- Walk a lot
- Wear hot stockings
- Wear sexy underthings
- Wear warm pajamas
- Write well
It’s Nancy F who is right behind you. Excellent list. Would like to add a few but will wait until March 6.
Nancy that was an awesome read! Thank you for sharing!
Almost 60 still believe all on your list so right and how it should be.
121 Read “Good Girl, Bad Business”.