Can’t Buy Me Love This Holiday Season

What’s in your stocking can be rather shocking!
According to recent data, the proportion of Americans saying they spent over $1000 on gifts during the holiday season has increased substantially for nearly twenty years, starting at 18% in 1989 and rising to a peak of 34% in 2006. You don’t even need to get off the couch to find that perfect trinket for a loved one. No more stroking that cashmere scarf or fondling that special ornament. Just touch your device! A whopping 73% of gift givers plan to shop by phone this holiday season.
I walk down Fifth Avenue almost every day and the shoppers don’t look particularly merry. They seem stressed and rushed (and maybe even a little anxious the debt they are incurring).
The holiday season is a lovely time of year. And all that spending is good for the economy. I’m not turning into a Grinch in my old age. But I’m kind of thinking that gifting should be a heartfelt year-round thing and not all about gadgets and trending toys like the “Frozen Sing-Along Boom Box.” (I’m so glad my girls are older…I might have to wear earplugs.)
Passion and a personal touch are way more important than a price tag. So, think before you gift this holiday season.