Hot is Good

Let me explain…
When I tell people I’m new to Arizona, the first thing they usually ask is, “Have you been here over the summer yet?”
Soon I will be able to say:
“Hell yeah…and I loved it!”
I’m apparently not alone in that sentiment. Experience Scottsdale (the equivalent of the tourism department) launched a hot new website confirming that Arizona is indeed a little toasty in the summer months but some incredibly cool things will be happening here.
The ad campaign itself is honest and fun. And who doesn’t love a good deal?
Experience Scottsdale also just presented a great study about who is visiting our area. New York, Chicago, LA, San Francisco and Denver are where most U.S. tourism is coming from and Canadians (mostly from Chicago) are apparently staying longer and spending more.
After a totally nutty five months of 2018 during which I traveled almost every week, I am looking forward to spending a solid few weeks in Scottsdale over the summer.
Yes, you read that correctly.
I will not mind the fact that temps will average in the low hundreds. In fact, science says that heat improves body functions and memory, so I might be totally genius when the autumn rolls around.
I have no intention of becoming an outdoor laborer this summer. I’ll be spending many hours with AC I’m planning some staycations at luxury resorts and sunrise/evening hikes. Although business events and social happy hours are still happening throughout the summer, the pace apparently slows down.
That’s why it’ll be a great time to plan out the second half of 2018. Stay tuned for some exciting news on what I’ll be doing as I enter the next phase of my professional and personal life. After 15 years of running theONswitch, I’m taking a related and exciting new path — much like early settlers to the Southwest.
My final business trip for a while involves an event during which Choose Scottsdale will be speaking to East Coast companies about why they should open their West Coast offices (or simply relocate) out here and to encourage talented job-seekers to head west.. I chose to move here not only because of the palm trees and pools but because it’s a rapidly-growing tech and business hub.
Heat is not for everyone. It makes some people sluggish and cranky. But after many decades of dealing with snow, ice, and cold I can deal with a little sweat.
Bring it on!
P.S. I’d love to hear from my fellow Arizonans (or is it Scottsdaleians?) about their favorite things to do here over the summer. (“Leave town” is not an acceptable response.)
P.P.S. If you’re considering relocating, expanding, planning a conference, or just visiting here, please contact me. Just be sure to pack light if you’re visiting this summer.
[…] an entire week of 100+ temperatures. Yes…it’s hot. If one more person tells me about the hot summers, I’m going to scream. . Get over it. Make […]