Bad Girl, Good Business

3 Hours and 54 Minutes in Heaven

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I boarded a flight to Denver today and asked the flight attendant if we would have wi-fi. She checked the wall for the icoWireless Iconn and then uttered one word that would have plunged me into a paroxysm of anxiety 30 days ago – “NO!”

My life over the past eight or so years has been consumed by digital media. Early on in my marketing business, I decided to post or perish, learning how to use Facebook and Twitter for communication, long before most of my generation got the memo.

It took its toll on my personal life. I don’t believe I became a digital addict, but my younger daughter once threatened to throw my phone out the car window during a college visit. And, more recently, I realized that when I woke up in the middle of the night, my first impulse was to check my iPad for new messages. (I rationalized sleeping with it next to the bed because I used it as an alarm clock.)

But this year, as I reached “business puberty,” (the topic of my next post — please subscribe so you’ll get it automatically — hint, hint!). I decided to unplug a bit more. The full-on digital detox seemed rather extreme. I’m not a juice fast kinda chick. I’m more of a “commitment and moderation” type.

I had bought a couple of magazines (Fast Company and US – I confess, I have a mild addiction to crap reading, which I rationalize by telling people I need to understand the head of the American consumer). I also had the forethought and time to bring aboard a healthy lunch (yes…it can be found at the airport — Cibo Express).

Then, I calculated how I could amuse myself for about four hours. It’s been awesome.

I read, I ate, I hydrated, I chatted with some random passengers, I blogged, and I even napped for a while. I walked the aisle to stretch my legs. I re-set my watch. I breathed and contemplated. I was disconnected, but never discombobulated.

Of course, when I land I’ll have at least 100 e-mails awaiting me. And maybe some voice mails and perhaps a text or two. But these past 3 hours and 54 minutes on a Wednesday have been sheer bliss.

Hello…my name is Nancy. And I’m NOT really a digital addict.

Now if only I could get more leg room next time!



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