Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: women in business

Mean Men and Bitchy Babes

Reading Time: 2 minutesHas the world gotten nastier or am I just noticing it more? The election hasĀ degenerated into vicious personal assaults and TV is filled with episodes of women pulling each other’s hair and throwing shade. (For the meaning of that, see the links, below.) I’m no shrinking violet. I grew up in the political and corporate […]


Pulse-ating: What drives readership on LinkedIn?

Reading Time: 3 minutes“Should I write a blog?” a colleague asked me the other day He had written a few posts on LinkedIn and had gotten a decent level of engagement, so he was trying to figure out if he should keep writing. The simple and short answer to that question is, “Don’t blog unless you haveĀ an ongoing […]