Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: weed

Booze…weed…sex…but not baseball!

Reading Time: 2 minutesToday is fabulous fun Friday. The week is ending.  I’ve diligently blogged about serious business stuff like Google, time management,  how to get smarter, social media popularity, career fit, and experience marketing. Now it’s time to unplug and talk about vices and leisure activities (and their business trend implications, of course!) Baseball was America’s favorite pastime 100 years […]


Weed People: The Human Side of Cannabusiness

Reading Time: 3 minutesInhale these insights… I’m taking a break from my Thanksgiving-themed blog posts this week to talk about a different kind of harvest — the rapidly growing cannabis business and the people who are in it. As of now, twenty-three states and DC have legalized medical marijuana and four states and DC have legalized recreational weed. […]