Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: vacation

The 100 Years Club Installment #84: Off the Grid (Mostly)

Reading Time: < 1 minute Here I am on Sunday night, realizing that I didn’t write my usual post this weekend, dispensing advice about how to age like a bad-ass. Will anyone notice?  Will anyone care? Perhaps some of my 3,256 subscribers on LinkedIn will notice. Perhaps not. I’ve come to realize that my standards for myself are WAY higher […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #73: The Summer of Nancy

Reading Time: 2 minutes A year ago, I wrote this piece. It was about what I call Pretirementâ„¢ and the transition primarily to activities that bring me joy. After all, I’ve been working since 1977 (unless you count my college stint at Macy’s or my internship in D.C., in which case it’s 1975 — close to 50 years — […]