Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: trends

Kiss & Make-up! The Big Business of Face Paints (Fun #3)

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat’s on YOUR lips? The cosmetics industry has grown to $60 billion (and climbing) and Sephora has close to 2,000 locations worldwide. The retail make-up giant is now using its Innovation Lab and next-gen technology to create “virtual cosmetic experiences.” How did this all get started? Yesterday, our second installment in our August “Business of Fun” series dealt […]


Dressing Down (Fun #2)

Reading Time: 2 minutesWe’ve become a sporty (and casual) culture. Our first installment of our August “Fun Then & Now” series featured the transformation of the Summer Olympics. What better topic today than the evolution of sneakers, the sudden surge of athletic wear as street wear, and the evolution of casual business attire. Even if you never set foot […]