Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: transformation

30 million Nutella lovers can’t be wrong. The power of community.

Reading Time: 3 minutesPeople just love to cluster. Whether it’s a work-related group, a fraternity, a book club, or the 30 million people who “LIKE” today’s holiday — #worldnutelladay — people simply want to belong. (For the genesis of World Nutella Day, just check out the link, below.) Seth Godin writes and speaks about Tribes. Communities can make change, educate, […]


My Birthday Card for Facebook

Reading Time: 2 minutesHappy birthday Facebook! You turned 12 today, which means you’re sort of going through puberty at this point. Why is 12 such a critical year? See the link below for one perspective. Here’s my birthday card: Dear Facebook: I’ve watched you grow up throughout most of your 12 years. I adopted you when you turned […]