Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: transformation

Are you suffering from infobesity? Infoxicated?

Reading Time: 2 minutesToo much content turning you into a staggering chubby person? Is all of this information, visual stimulation, and social commentary making us wiser or just fat, stupid, and inattentive? In 1970 (when libraries were buildings and Google hadn’t yet been born), Alvin Toffler coined the phrase “information overload” in his book Future Shock.  The Harvard Business Review wrote about […]


Where is the love? (120 Things: Part Deux)

Reading Time: 2 minutesI received an interesting comment on my February 10th post… The post was a list of 120 things I had learned over the past 60 years. Because I’m a bit of a digital geek and I’m trying to build a fan following before I publish my next book, I had boosted the post on Facebook. A […]