Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: transformation

Super Relationships (and Kryptonite)

Reading Time: 3 minutesMy newest workshop is called “Channeling Your Inner Superhero.” I debuted it last month at BIA/Kelsey ENGAGE in Austin. As Publisher of sheBOOM, I was there to inspire and empower other women. I led a group of professionals in identifying their superpowers (and their Kryptonites) and we assumed our best supergirl stances. Supergirl had a tough […]


Caps & Gowns: Everyone’s Graduating

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe’re in the midst of graduation season.  Facebook is filled with videos of commencement speeches and happy families on campuses (and at nursery schools and high schools too). I was rummaging through a giant box o’ memorabilia this weekend and came across a hoarder’s delight of artifacts from all my school years and graduations…signed yearbooks, […]