Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: transformation

Then why don’t you marry it?

Reading Time: 3 minutesYes, I am quoting Pee Wee Herman. He married a fruit salad in a formal ceremony. But let’s get back to business… In the words of Dr. Joyce Brothers, “Marriages, like careers, need constant nurturing… the secret of having it all is loving it all.” As we continue with our June theme of “marriage and […]


De-Burbanizing (aka Farewell to Lawns)

Reading Time: 4 minutesWARNING: This is one of those self-indulgent blog posts that has very little to do with business (unless you’re a working mother or woman Boomer, in which case you might find it inspirational). If you’re really busy at work and are looking for tips on how to make money, network, develop an app, track trends,  […]