Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: transformation

Cast On & Sign-Up: First Steps in a New City

Reading Time: 3 minutesMy last post (about MN) was a tad negative. But it generated 5,000+ views on LinkedIn and Facebook. “You should write a guide to navigating a new city,” my cousin commented. Well, that’s what I’m doing here. I’m on the third installment. Please subscribe and you’ll get the new ones as soon as I hit […]


Stop, Shut-up, Count to 90, and Breathe!

Reading Time: 3 minutesMother Nature has a perverse and yet wildly effective way of getting me to get back on course. She simply shuts down my airways.  It happened back in my early ’30s when my right lung collapsed. I had just taken-on a new high-pressure gig at Citibank, I had a 2-year old at home, and a bunch […]