Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: the walking dead

Route 66 Installment #49: I Learned These 7 Lessons from The Walking Dead

Reading Time: 4 minutes Yup. I admit it. I’m a fan of “The Walking Dead.” Not the kind of fan who flew to Atlanta to audition for Zombie School. Or calls in to “The Talking Dead” on Sunday nights. Or shows up at ComicCon dressed as a Whisperer. I don’t watch all the spin-off shows. But I confess that […]


Fear & Anger & No Sex

Reading Time: 2 minutes Now isn’t THAT a scary and depressing title? It came to me while reviewing my LinkedIn blog readership statistics. I opened the e-mail with trepidation. What if NO ONE was reading my posts? We live in this weird digital society where people ignoring you online carries as much weight (maybe even more) than people ignoring […]