Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: streamlining

Too Busy to Read This Post? (BS!!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes“I’m soooo busy!” has become way too common a phrase. I’m guilty of using it myself at times. Although sometimes life and business seem out of control and overwhelming, we can still choose how we spend our waking hours. We can plan, ask for help and delegate, eliminate tasks that make no sense, and set priorities. Last […]


Down the Drain…My Year-End Ephiphany

Reading Time: < 1 minuteBuh-bye. Just like that, on the day before Thanksgiving, all my contacts vanished from my smartphone. (It may be smart, but apparently it has a limited memory, as it keeps telling me — even after I deleted thousands of messages and pictures.) I remained strangely calm. I visited two AT&T stores and spent about an […]