Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: resilience

The 100 Years Club Installment #14: YOU help OTHERS

Reading Time: 3 minutes “What do you need?” “May I help you?” “Need help?” These simple word combos are among the most important phrases we can offer. No matter how you phrase the ask, the meaning is similar. Last week, I talked about self-care and becoming the best possible version of yourself (without becoming a total narcissist). Now, what […]


Route 66 Installment #24: Be a June Bug

Reading Time: 2 minutes New month…new theme. But why an insect? In the past, our June content has either focused on graduation season or on weddings (literal and metaphorical).  But education is now a year-round (and online) process and the fall is now the most popular wedding season. So, as I was wandering around the web, looking for a […]