Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: relationships

The 100 Years Club Installment #70: 10 Years of Help (or Not)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Each May, I’m compelled to write something about “help” (as in May Day). I was actually kinda shocked to realize that this series (my “Bad Girl, Good Business” blog) was originally launched in 2014, so I’ve been dispensing random advice and perspectives for a decade. I searched my blogs for the word “help” and came […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #65: Join the Club

Reading Time: 3 minutes It started in grade school. We were given our first choices of “clubs.” Then, through high school, we were required to join an organization of some kind. The options I remember included the Current Events Club (which seemed boring to me at the time), the Recorder Club (an instrument I learned how to play but […]