Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: mental health

The 100 Years Club Installment #68: My 10 Ways to Stay Young

Reading Time: 3 minutes No. It doesn’t involve Botox and fillers. I’m often told I don’t look 68, which is total bullshit because no one really knows in 2024 what 68 is supposed to look like. What I DO like to hear is that I exude a youthful energy and that my smile is that of a young girl. […]


The 100 Years Club Installment #59: Triggers

Reading Time: < 1 minute “Is this REAL stuff or is it YOUR stuff?” an executive coach once asked me. He was referring to those little voices in our heads that send us into moods — good and bad. Of course, those aren’t REAL voices, but they are triggers that can send us spinning into downward spirals or put us […]