Bad Girl, Good Business

Posts Tagged with: love & work

Route 66 installment #6: I am a passionista

Reading Time: 5 minutesWhat does that really mean? I am passionate about: people work things experiences my own self-care and improvement I use the word “love” a lot I am still a true romantic and “lemonade maker.” I believe strongly in the power of love February has always been one of my favorite months. I have vivid memories […]


I’m in the mood for love. Are you?

Reading Time: 2 minutesFebruary is my favorite month. First, because it’s all about love. And who can possibly think that’s bad. In fact, science has proven that love is good for your brain. It was in the New York Times. So it must be true. I love the New York Times, even though it’s now more of an app […]