A former big-brand executive (Citibank, MasterCard, Reed Exhibitions) and late-life entrepreneur (CEO of theONswitch marketing), confidently straddles the digital divide.
Reading Time: 3minutesLast week, I covered the surface side of the adult “back to school” season. But what’s on your face and body is not as important as what’s going into your head. At any age, we can learn and transform. And, just as when we picked our classes on that first days of college, we always […]
Reading Time: 4minutesWhen we were kids, we deliberated over what to wear and what cool school “accessories” (like lunchboxes and book bags) to sport on that first day of school. After all, our entire identity for the entire grade could be determined within seconds of stepping off the bus or into a classroom. Personal branding is still […]